Monday, January 5, 2009

Straight Off the Compound

So, here's why I'm not entirely opposed to the concept of polygamy: Now, hear me out! I know, I know... I can hear the collective gasp of indignation. I would just like to say that if you were over here right now and you could see the size of my laundry pile, you would agree that every once in a while it would be pretty convenient to up the mom to kid ratio. You see, today is the first day that all 4 of my kids have gone to school since the beginning of December. Throw in a couple Holidays, a ton of tracked in snow mess, and a round of the flu and my house is so messy that the walls are closing in on me.

I've been "cheerily" chipping away at it for well, forever basically, and the only thing getting me through the chaos has been repeating "I'll get caught up as soon as our schedule gets back to normal" 35 times a day. Guess what?! Today's the day! I watched out the window as all 8 of their little feet tread up the steps on to the school bus and then threw myself into dishes and laundry and vacuuming... and blogging??? Okay, maybe I could have left that last part out today, but we'll call it a "sanity safety meeting".

I forced all of the kids to deep clean their bedrooms this weekend, which means that they brought out every morsel of clothing they own and declared it "dirty" even though half of it is still folded / attached to a hanger. I simply must wash it since it's been keeping company in the hamper with laundry that really is dirty though... Love that. I vacuumed the house from one side to the other and pulled out the furniture / appliances / etc. and used the wall attachment to deep clean the ceiling fans and light fixtures and stuff. Seriously ashamed to admit, the vacuum bag was almost empty when I started and now it's busting at the seams it's so full.

Now, I don't know how much it would cost to hire a maid, but I'm pretty sure I'm too poor white trash for that. Which leads me back to where we started at... can't you just picture sharing household responsibilities? Gosh, I would LOVE to be able to say, "It's your night to cook" or "I'll take care of the babies while you help the older kids with homework..." What do you guys think? Would the pros of that type of relationship ever outweigh the cons for you? When you see the pictures of the ladies in frumpy dresses and prairie braids are you simply horrified at the injustice or do you ever think, "Wow! I wouldn't have to handle it all on my own!"


  1. I'm thinking that you would probably have even MORE work since there would be a gazillion more kids!

  2. Yes, Kristina, that's why if I were ever a polygamist I would use my first wife status to make sure that all incoming wives were infertile. (Just kidding. But seriously...)

  3. umm you might have lost me on this one. I couldn't really get past "Not entirely opposed to Polygamy..." Probably just like I can't get past the frumpy dresses to not be horrified...

  4. My Mom and the Bishops Wife, BFF's, and all kids HAD, say they should live together. Mom LOVES to clean, Judy loves to cook...ahh the perfect life!LOL!

  5. This is exactly why I think the new trend of single moms joining households makes so much sense! If I was a single mom, I would totally be looking for a roomie! (But she'd have to have less than three kids, and she'd have to like housework better than me. It would s.u.c.k. if she was a slob - unless she brought home tons of cash that we used to hire a housekeeper while I ran around chasing my dreams. How's that for a plan?)

  6. Jen, I think that's a fabulous plan! I was just saying yesterday (during the same line of thought that inspired this post) that I have no idea how single moms do it. Here I am, a married SAHM, and I can barely hold it together. So, the thought of it truly being ALL on me sends shivers up my spine. I think that the roomie thing would be WAY preferable to polygamy, but that they're both similiar in the sense that you wouldn't want to get stuck with someone that you couldn't stand and it would be a thing of beauty if you ended up compatible with someone like Wendyburd's mom & the bishop's wife. It's like any good relationship... it works as long as you balance each other out and can cooperate.
