Friday, December 26, 2008

Twas The Day After Christmas

Twas the day after Christmas and all through my house, there was clutter, more clutter, and an off skiing spouse. The children were jamming in Guitar Hero bliss, I was wishing that Santa had seen earplugs on my list... to my mind came an idea "let's go out to eat!" We attempted to groom and threw boots on our feet. I sat there with my kiddos, in a terrific mood, we were out of the house having wonderful food... when what to my wondering eyes did appear? I'll give you a clue... it was not reindeer. On Dasher, On Dancer, On Blitzen, On Comet... my eight year old son was covered in vomit. With apologies flying, I left a GOOD tip and face flaming beet red, we gave that mess the slip...

Moral of the story: even if feeling blue... just stay home with noise & clutter if exposed to the flu...


  1. Oh no! I hope he feels better soon!

  2. oh dear, I'm so sorry. best wishes for a speedy recovery

  3. Oh my, the poor kid! And that has to suck for you guys, what do you say to the wait staff anyway, sorry? LOL, I'd hit the road too!lol!!

  4. Ooooo, bad one. Hope I wasn't exposed to whomever you were exposed to!!

    Hope you're all better soon!

  5. Natalie, you are so funny and such a good writer! I love reading your blog. The flu must be making it's rounds because I know we weren't exposed to any of the same people yet all day yesterday Kelsi threw up. My final count was around 18x in 7.5 hours. YUCK!

  6. Sorry Nat, the above is me, I wasn't signed in...Kelly

  7. Wow, Kelly, that's awful! 18x in 7.5 hours? Ouch! Luckily, 3 out of 4 kids have had it and none of them had it too bad. The humiliation of grossing the other restaurant patrons out and making the employees help clean up my kids puke aside, it wasn't that bad for us. I think all of the kids threw up maybe 3 or 4 times each and were fine within 24 hours. I hope kelsi's doing better! ~ Natalie
